Plasma donation eligibility requirements are quite lengthy. Completing the survey at your initial visit can take over 30 minutes and involves over 60 questions. Before your initial visit, make sure you meet the following plasma donation eligibility criteria.
Plasma Donor Profile Eligibility Requirements
Donating blood plasma helps other people and helps you stay in bloody good health, improving your cognitive abilities and ability to heal. Here are the plasma donation donor requirements:
- 18+ years old and at least 110 pounds or 50 kilograms.
- Provide 2 forms of legal identification, one of which with your social security number and one confirming your address. For example, a driver’s license and a W2 tax statement.
- Pass a medical examination which includes checking blood pressure and pulse.
- Have healthy veins and blood flow.
- Complete an extensive medical history screening, including listing all prior surgeries.
- Must not carry transmissible viruses including hepatitis, HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.
- Must not be at risk for Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (“Mad Cow Disease”).
- If you spent three or more months in the United Kingdom between Jan. 1, 1980 and Dec. 31, 1996, you may not donate blood. The U.K. includes England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands.
- If you spent time that adds up to 5 or more years in France or Ireland from 1980 through 2001, you may not donate. Time spent in Ireland does not include time spent in Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.
- From 1980 to the present, if you received a blood transfusion in France, Ireland, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands, you may not donate blood.
- Have not had transplants including organ, tissue, bone marrow or cornea.
- Have not had a recent colonoscopy, endoscopy or MRI requiring dye injection.
- No recent history of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- Must agree to the risks of donating blood plasma.
- Can withstand minor pain from needle injections without fainting or nausea. Plasmapheresis takes about 45 minutes per donation. It is not an entirely comfortable experience.
Plasma Donation Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for each plasma donation, donors must not:
- be ill or feeling sick. They will take your temperature to make sure you do not have a fever.
- take medicines for:
- Psoriasis.
- Hair loss.
- Heart / cardiac issues including blood thinners / anti-coagulants.
- or ibuprofen, aspirin or equivalent within 12 hours of donation.
- have high blood pressure.
- donate blood within the past month or blood plasma within 48 hours.
- have a hematocrit (blood iron test) level below 39 or protein level below 6 or above 9.
- receive tattoos or body piercings within four months.
- have had a sexually transmitted disease within the past 12 months
- have had male sex with another male or sex with someone who carries a sexually transmittable disease within 4 months.
- engage in prostitution.
- use illegal drugs or steroids.
- have needle marks on arms which indicate illicit drug use.
- spent time in jail or juvenile detention within one year.
- contacted another person’s blood.
- have significant bruising in both inner elbows which would prevent safe needle injection.
Plasma Donation Requirements Checklist
Before donating plasma, do the following:
- 24 hours before your donation, avoid caffeinated beverages, nicotine or alcohol.
- Get a good night’s sleep.
- Hydrate. 2-3 hours before your donation, drink four to six eight-ounce glasses of water, fruit juice, or other caffeine-free liquids.
- Eat. 1-2 hours before you donate, consume a well-balanced, non-fatty meal.
After donating plasma, you can reduce your side effects by:
- Eat a high-protein meal.
- Drink fluids to rehydrate and replenish the liquids that you lost.
- Avoid nicotine and alcohol.
- Do not lift heavy objects with the arm you used for donation.
- Keep your venipuncture site (where the needle went in your arm) clean and dry.
- Leave the bandage on for several hours.
- If you experience:
- bleeding at the venipuncture site, raise your arm and apply pressure.
- dizziness or fainting, lie down or sit with your head between your knees.
Reputable Plasma Donation Centers
Here are a few reputable plasma donation centers, hopefully with facilities near you.
Conclusion of Plasma Donation Eligibility Requirements
In summary, to be eligible to donate blood plasma, you must meet all of the above requirements at the time of your planned donation. If you do not, you will be asked to leave the plasma donation center.