UncategorizedPQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)May 8, 2019Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), is it safe and beneficial? What are the…Read more
UncategorizedVitamin DMarch 21, 2019Vitamin D — is not actually a vitamin because we can synthesize it in adequate amounts with…Read more
UncategorizedOxaloacetateMarch 21, 2019Oxaloacetate (OAA)is a molecule that occurs naturally in a mitochondrion’s production of ATP and…Read more
UncategorizedNicotinamide Riboside (NR)March 21, 2019Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is a dietary supplement available in the US from ChromaDex (NASDAQ…Read more
UncategorizedMetforminMarch 21, 2019Metformin is sold under several trade names, including Glucophage XR, Carbophage SR, Riomet…Read more
UncategorizedBerberineMarch 21, 2019Berberine is a quaternary ammonium salt from the protoberberine group of benzylisoquinoline…Read more
Leading-Edge ResearchAnti-Aging Dietary SupplementsMarch 21, 2019Anti-aging dietary supplements, are any worth trying based upon scientific research? Before we get…Read more
FocusFocusOctober 26, 2018Lesson #1 for Keep.Health.“Life is all about the choices we make!” Ken…Read more
IntroRisks & RewardsJanuary 1, 2019Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones project study indicated that human body life capacity is ninety years.Read more
Leading-Edge ResearchReversing AgingMay 10, 2019Reversing Aging in Humans by 2026-2030, Pets Now? For hundreds of years, scientists have predicted…Read more
UncategorizedRecommended ReadingApril 8, 2019Continuous learning is a key factor in keeping your health. We suggest fascinating books for your…Read more
UncategorizedLife Extension and LongevityMay 10, 201921st century medicine focuses on wellness. 20th century on disease. We’ve curated some of the most…Read more
Leading-Edge ResearchInvestment OpportunitiesMay 13, 2019Healthspan, Life Extension and Longevity Company Investment Opportunities January 21, 2025 In…Read more
Body CareKeep HairAugust 29, 2019Are there any proven hair loss treatments? What are the latest advances for regrowing hair? To…Read more
UncategorizedAnti-Aging Health OrganizationsMarch 29, 2019Albert Einstein College of Medicine American Federation for Aging…Read more
UncategorizedViomeJune 18, 2019Background Since their launch in 2016, Viome has raised over $45MM to analyze fecal samples…Read more
UncategorizedLife LengthSeptember 26, 2019This article is part of Keep Health’s series on Setting Your Health Baseline. Do you think you…Read more
Body CareLeading-Edge ResearchHuman Longevity's Full Body TestingApril 24, 2019Human Longevity’s Full Body Testing. Is it something you should consider? Do you think you are…Read more
UncategorizedArivaleMay 2, 2019Update: As of April 24, 2019, Arivale ceased consumer operations because they couldn’t charge…Read more
UncategorizedSetting Your Health Baseline: The BasicsMarch 29, 2019Do you think you are healthy? Can you prove that to yourself? Can you measure whether changes to…Read more
UncategorizedYour BodyJanuary 28, 2019blood circulation Blood, Heart and Circulation bones joints muscles Bones…Read more