Keep Health FactorsBenefits of MeditationOctober 10, 2023The benefits of meditation, an ancient practice rooted in mindfulness and self-awareness, have…Read more
Keep Health FactorsOptimal Breathing TechniquesSeptember 26, 2023This article covers optimal breathing techniques for sleeping, sprinting, distance running…Read more
Keep Health FactorsThe Wealth Health ConnectionSeptember 12, 2023There is a wealth health connection. In most cases, having wealth increases health and longevity.Read more
Future Home PageLeading-Edge ResearchBiohackersMay 9, 2023Biohackers use their own bodies to experiment on making small, incremental diet or lifestyle changes…Read more
UncategorizedCoffee, Tea and HealthyMarch 14, 2023Coffee and tea. Are they healthy for you? What scientific research has been done? Which brands or…Read more
UncategorizedDark Chocolate Health BenefitsJanuary 17, 2023Dark chocolate, does eating it provide health benefits? Are there risks beyond the added sugar and…Read more
Body CareImmunity Against AgingDecember 6, 2022Immunity from Aging. Is it possible? Can you boost your immune system to slow, halt or reverse…Read more
UncategorizedGood to the Bone HealthSeptember 13, 2022Bone health, is there anything you can do for it? Can you be good to the bone? Yes, make no bones…Read more
Body CareHeart Health: Love Your HeartFebruary 14, 2023Heart health. If you love your heart, how can you best care for it? How can you keep your heart…Read more
Body CareBloody Good HealthJune 21, 2022Do you have healthy blood? Are your blood vessels healthy? How can you find out? What lifestyle…Read more
UncategorizedProper PostureJune 7, 2022Do you practice proper posture when you are sitting? When you are standing? When you are lying down?Read more
Keep Health FactorsMicrobiome #2: Improve Your HealthApril 12, 2022Here’s how to improve your microbiome health, article #2. If you missed our first microbiome…Read more
Body CareHealthy Digestive SystemMarch 1, 2022How do you keep a healthy digestive system to avoid the 7 signs of an unhealthy gut? These include…Read more
UncategorizedInspiration for Proper BreathingFebruary 15, 2022To breathe or not to breathe, there is no question. The only question is, “Do you breathe…Read more
UncategorizedSocial InteractionJanuary 18, 2022Social interaction is one of the top key health factors. Studies show that active social…Read more
UncategorizedKeep Your Proteins in ShapeDecember 21, 2021Proteins are important for building muscles, but what else should you know about them?How do…Read more
UncategorizedHealth Monitoring DevicesNovember 23, 2021Continuous health monitoring devices are the future of personal healthcare. Imagine if one of…Read more
UncategorizedColonoscopy or Colonosco-pooSeptember 28, 2021Young daughter: Dad, why do they call it a colonoscopy (koe-lun-OS-kuh-pee)? Dad: I’m not sure.Read more
UncategorizedStress LessMay 11, 2021Think of what situations cause you the most stress. Why do those situations trigger your stress…Read more
UncategorizedAll of UsMarch 30, 2021This is the seventh article in Keep Health’s series on Setting Your Health Baseline, so you can…Read more
UncategorizedThe Fast and the Furious! Intermittent Fasting and Caloric Restriction DietsMarch 16, 2021What is the current thinking on the risks, benefits and options for intermittent fasting and caloric…Read more
Leading-Edge ResearchSpermidine SupplementsMarch 28, 2023Spermidine supplements. What are the health benefits and risks in taking spermidine as a dietary…Read more
UncategorizedL-ergothioneine SupplementsMarch 28, 2023L-ergothioneine supplements. What are the health benefits and risks in taking it as an anti-aging…Read more
UncategorizedBerberineMarch 21, 2019Berberine is a quaternary ammonium salt from the protoberberine group of benzylisoquinoline…Read more
Intro7 Immediate Ways To Increase HealthspanJanuary 15, 2019What are seven immediate ways to increase your healthspan? Quick! You don’t have much time. Your…Read more
UncategorizedCan You Hear Now?February 11, 202014% of United States adults aged 20-69, one in three adults worldwide and approximately 1 in 3 …Read more
Body CareFeel Comfortable In Your Own SkinJanuary 28, 2020Is skin care a priority for you? Are you comfortable with how your skin looks now? How about twenty…Read more
UncategorizedAnti-Aging Health OrganizationsMarch 29, 2019Albert Einstein College of Medicine American Federation for Aging…Read more
Body CareLeading-Edge ResearchHuman Longevity's Full Body TestingApril 24, 2019Human Longevity’s Full Body Testing. Is it something you should consider? Do you think you are…Read more
UncategorizedSetting Your Health Baseline: The BasicsMarch 29, 2019Do you think you are healthy? Can you prove that to yourself? Can you measure whether changes to…Read more
UncategorizedHealthy Eating HabitsJuly 18, 2023Do you practice healthy eating habits? Many of us think that we do. However, when you wake…Read more
UncategorizedSafe Home, Safe ExposomeMarch 6, 2020 Do you live in a safe exposome? After consistent, quality sleep, the most important factor to…Read more
IntroKeep Health Factors25 Key Health Factors for 2025January 3, 2025Not Just Diet and Exercise. 25 Key Factors to Keep Health in 2025. Our 25 key health factors…Read more
IntroKeep Health Factors24 Key Health Factors for 2024January 2, 2024Not Just Diet and Exercise. 24 Key Factors to Keep Health in 2024. Our 24 key health factors…Read more
IntroUncategorized23 Key Health Factors for 2023January 2, 2023Not Just Diet and Exercise. 23 Key Factors to Keep Health in 2023. Here are 23 key health…Read more
Archive22 Key Health Factors for 2022January 3, 2022Not Just Diet and Exercise. 22 Key Factors to Keep Health in 2022. Here are 22 key health…Read more