UncategorizedNose Ahead by Breathing ProperlyFebruary 25, 2020Primarily breathing through your nose allows you to keep your health and quality of life.The…Read more
UncategorizedCan You Hear Now?February 11, 202014% of United States adults aged 20-69, one in three adults worldwide and approximately 1 in 3 …Read more
Uncategorized2020 Vision: Eye CareJanuary 13, 2020After her last school day of December 2019, Ellie, age 12, walked into the kitchen. “Dad…Read more
UncategorizedAnti-Aging Health OrganizationsMarch 29, 2019Albert Einstein College of Medicine American Federation for Aging…Read more
UncategorizedViomeJune 18, 2019Background Since their launch in 2016, Viome has raised over $45MM to analyze fecal samples…Read more
UncategorizedLife LengthSeptember 26, 2019This article is part of Keep Health’s series on Setting Your Health Baseline. Do you think you…Read more
UncategorizedArivaleMay 2, 2019Update: As of April 24, 2019, Arivale ceased consumer operations because they couldn’t charge…Read more
UncategorizedSetting Your Health Baseline: The BasicsMarch 29, 2019Do you think you are healthy? Can you prove that to yourself? Can you measure whether changes to…Read more
UncategorizedYour BodyJanuary 28, 2019blood circulation Blood, Heart and Circulation bones joints muscles Bones…Read more
UncategorizedOptimism and HappinessDecember 30, 2019Optimism and happiness are two important factors to keep health. Optimism In 2019, scientists at…Read more
UncategorizedGive HealthDecember 3, 2019This article is a call to action. Keep Health’s 11th step in the Hierarchy of Needs for…Read more
UncategorizedVaccines: Don't Vacillate to VaccinateMarch 6, 2020Which vaccines are recommended for adults, adolescents and kids? Why are these vaccinations…Read more
UncategorizedHealthy Microbiome: Gut CheckMarch 6, 2020What Is Your Microbiome? Do you have a healthy microbiome? How can you find out? Why does it…Read more
UncategorizedHealthy Eating HabitsJuly 18, 2023Do you practice healthy eating habits? Many of us think that we do. However, when you wake…Read more
IntroUncategorizedDon’t Die from DietMarch 6, 2020“Do not dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” — Old English Proverb How did you…Read more
UncategorizedSafe Home, Safe ExposomeMarch 6, 2020 Do you live in a safe exposome? After consistent, quality sleep, the most important factor to…Read more
UncategorizedSleep WellMarch 6, 2020The most important thing for good health is consistent high quality sleep. Without proper sleep…Read more
IntroUncategorized23 Key Health Factors for 2023January 2, 2023Not Just Diet and Exercise. 23 Key Factors to Keep Health in 2023. Here are 23 key health…Read more
IntroUncategorized21 Key Health Factors for 2021January 5, 2021Not Just Diet and Exercise. 21 Key Factors to Keep Health in 2021. Are you ready to start…Read more
IntroUncategorized20 Key Health Factors for 2020March 6, 2020Not Just Diet and Exercise. 20 Key Factors to Keep Health How does a person with a busy life…Read more